Antutu benchmark of
Apple iPhone SE 32GB smartphone
Apple iPhone SE 32GB smartphone

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of Apple iPhone SE 32GB?

AnTuTu benchmark scoring of Apple iPhone SE 32GB131 458

AnTuTu total score 131 458
Antutu version 6
GPU PowerVR GT7600 6xCores
CPU type and model Dual-Core, 2 cores, Apple Twister
Operating system_name iOS 9.3

Apple iPhone SE 32GB benchmark compare to other Apple models

Apple iPhone SE 32GB smartphone

Apple iPhone SE 32GB | 131 458 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPhone SE 32GB is 131458
Apple iPhone SE 16GB smartphone

Apple iPhone SE 16GB | 131 458 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPhone SE 16GB is 131458
Apple iPhone 6s 64GB smartphone

Apple iPhone 6s 64GB | 133 781 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPhone 6s 64GB is 133781
Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64GB smartphone

Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64GB | 133 781 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64GB is 133781

Apple iPhone SE 32GB AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu smartphones

Apple iPhone SE 32GB smartphone

Apple iPhone SE 32GB | 131 458 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64GB is 133781
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Infinix Note 11 Pro 8GB · 128GB | 339 897 | AnTuTu score

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ONEPLUS 7 Pro 6GB · 128GB | 447 375 | AnTuTu score

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Smartisan Nut R2 8GB · 128GB | 590 000 | AnTuTu score

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ONEPLUS RT 8GB · 128GB smartphone

ONEPLUS RT 8GB · 128GB | 720 000 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of ONEPLUS RT 8GB · 128GB is 720000
Motorola Edge X30 8GB · 128GB smartphone

Motorola Edge X30 8GB · 128GB | 1 024 387 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Motorola Edge X30 8GB · 128GB is 1024387