Antutu benchmark of
Elephone A2 Pro smartphone
Elephone A2 Pro smartphone

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of Elephone A2 Pro?

AnTuTu benchmark scoring of Elephone A2 Pro0

AnTuTu total score 0
GPU PowerVR GE8100
CPU type and model Quad-core, 4 cores, ARM Cortex-A53
Operating system_name Android 8

Elephone A2 Pro benchmark compare to other Elephone models

Elephone A2 Pro smartphone

Elephone A2 Pro | 0 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Elephone A2 Pro is 0

Elephone A2 Pro AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu smartphones

Elephone A2 Pro smartphone

Elephone A2 Pro | 0 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Elephone A2 Pro is 0
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