Antutu benchmark of
HOMTOM H5 smartphone
HOMTOM H5 smartphone

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of HOMTOM H5?

AnTuTu benchmark scoring of HOMTOM H533 165

AnTuTu total score 33 165
Antutu version 7
GPU PowerVR GE8100
CPU type and model Quad-core, 4 cores, ARM Cortex-A53
Operating system_name Android 8

HOMTOM H5 benchmark compare to other HOMTOM models

HOMTOM H5 smartphone

HOMTOM H5 | 33 165 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of HOMTOM H5 is 33165
HOMTOM HT20 smartphone

HOMTOM HT20 | 35 432 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of HOMTOM HT20 is 35432
HOMTOM HT26 smartphone

HOMTOM HT26 | 35 432 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of HOMTOM HT26 is 35432

HOMTOM H5 AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu smartphones

HOMTOM H5 smartphone

HOMTOM H5 | 33 165 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of HOMTOM HT26 is 35432
Vivo NexS 128GB smartphone

Vivo NexS 128GB | 291 277 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Vivo NexS 128GB is 291277
Vivo Z6 6GB · 128GB smartphone

Vivo Z6 6GB · 128GB | 321 000 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Vivo Z6 6GB · 128GB is 321000
Realme 8i 4GB · 64GB smartphone

Realme 8i 4GB · 64GB | 339 897 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Realme 8i 4GB · 64GB is 339897
Microsoft Surface Duo 6GB · 128GB smartphone

Microsoft Surface Duo 6GB · 128GB | 434 544 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Microsoft Surface Duo 6GB · 128GB is 434544
Oppo Reno5 Pro+ 8GB · 128GB smartphone

Oppo Reno5 Pro+ 8GB · 128GB | 589 036 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Oppo Reno5 Pro+ 8GB · 128GB is 589036
MEIZU 18X 8GB · 128GB smartphone

MEIZU 18X 8GB · 128GB | 720 000 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of MEIZU 18X 8GB · 128GB is 720000