Antutu benchmark of
INew I7000 1GB 8GB smartphone
INew I7000 1GB 8GB smartphone

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of INew I7000 1GB 8GB?

AnTuTu benchmark scoring of INew I7000 1GB 8GB12 955

AnTuTu total score 12 955
GPU PowerVR SGX544
CPU type and model Quad-core, 4 cores, ARM Cortex-A7
Operating system_name Android 4.2

INew I7000 1GB 8GB benchmark compare to other iNew models

INew I3000 4GB smartphone

INew I3000 4GB | 12 345 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of INew I3000 4GB is 12345
INew I7000 1GB 16GB smartphone

INew I7000 1GB 16GB | 12 955 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of INew I7000 1GB 16GB is 12955
INew I7000 1GB 8GB smartphone

INew I7000 1GB 8GB | 12 955 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of INew I7000 1GB 8GB is 12955
INew I2000 4GB smartphone

INew I2000 4GB | 13 456 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of INew I2000 4GB is 13456

INew I7000 1GB 8GB AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu smartphones

INew I7000 1GB 8GB smartphone

INew I7000 1GB 8GB | 12 955 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of INew I2000 4GB is 13456
Realme 6 4GB · 64GB smartphone

Realme 6 4GB · 64GB | 290 582 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Realme 6 4GB · 64GB is 290582
Motorola Moto G60S 6GB · 128GB smartphone

Motorola Moto G60S 6GB · 128GB | 320 000 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Motorola Moto G60S 6GB · 128GB is 320000
Vivo S6 8GB · 128GB smartphone

Vivo S6 8GB · 128GB | 332 450 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Vivo S6 8GB · 128GB is 332450
Huawei Nova 7 8GB · 128GB · AN00 smartphone

Huawei Nova 7 8GB · 128GB · AN00 | 411 593 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Huawei Nova 7 8GB · 128GB · AN00 is 411593
Xiaomi 11T 8GB · 128GB smartphone

Xiaomi 11T 8GB · 128GB | 575 899 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Xiaomi 11T 8GB · 128GB is 575899
Realme GT Neo 6GB · 128GB smartphone

Realme GT Neo 6GB · 128GB | 711 664 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Realme GT Neo 6GB · 128GB is 711664