Landvo XM300 Pro smartphone
What is AnTuTu benchmark score of Landvo XM300 Pro?
29 837
AnTuTu total score | 29 837 |
GPU | ARM Mali-T720 MP2 |
CPU type and model | Quad-core, 4 cores, 4xARM Cortex-A53 1.3GHz |
Operating system_name | Android 6 |
Landvo XM300 Pro benchmark compare to other Landvo models
Landvo L550 | 26 873 | AnTuTu score
Landvo L500s | 27 635 | AnTuTu score
Landvo L600S | 27 800 | AnTuTu score
Landvo XM200 Pro | 27 866 | AnTuTu score
Landvo L500 | 28 345 | AnTuTu score
Landvo XM300 Pro | 29 837 | AnTuTu score
Landvo XM300 Pro AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu smartphones
Landvo XM300 Pro | 29 837 | AnTuTu score
Vivo NexS 128GB | 291 277 | AnTuTu score
Oppo Reno 3 Vitality Edition 8GB · 128GB | 321 000 | AnTuTu score
Poco M2 Pro 4GB · 64GB | 337 811 | AnTuTu score
Huawei Mate 40E 8GB · 128GB | 433 894 | AnTuTu score
Realme X50 Pro Player 6GB · 128GB | 588 615 | AnTuTu score
ZTE Axon 30 5G 8GB · 128GB | 720 000 | AnTuTu score