Antutu benchmark of
Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) tablet
Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) tablet

What is AnTuTu benchmark score of Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G)?

AnTuTu benchmark scoring of Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G)375 872

AnTuTu total score 375 872
GPU 4 cores GPU
CPU type and model Hexa-Core, 6 cores, 2x2.5GHz Vortex combined with 4x1.59GHz Tempest
Operating system_name iOS 12

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) benchmark compare to other Apple models

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) tablet

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) | 375 872 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) is 375872
Apple iPad Air 3 64GB (WIFI) tablet

Apple iPad Air 3 64GB (WIFI) | 375 872 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPad Air 3 64GB (WIFI) is 375872

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) AnTuTu benchmark compare to best AnTuTu tablets

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) tablet

Apple iPad Air 3 EU 256GB (4G) | 375 872 | AnTuTu score

AnTuTu benchmark of Apple iPad Air 3 64GB (WIFI) is 375872